Stainless Steel 3D-machine
Short form specifications
- Net travel X/Y/Z 3000x2000x100 mm
- Resolution 0,01 mm
- Overall Precision +/- 0,15 mm, optional up to +/- 0,05 mm
- Repeatability greater than 0,025 mm
- Horizontal feed rate 18 m/min
- Vertical feed rate 3 m/min
- Universal tool adaptor with M5 holes on 25 mm grid
- Stainless Steel construction, heat treated, CNC-machined, glass blasted
- Safe low-voltage operation of 48VAC supply
Applications include
- signmaking
- milling, drilling, routing
- gasket diemaking, samples and small series
- non-ferro milling
- digitizing 2D and 3D
Current DSP-CNC Firmware:
Open Source CNC-controller EMC2 software (FREE) can be used on all MACHINES and KITS offered at this site.